Installaments | Paid Amount | Cumilative Amount |
1st Month | 5000/- | 5000/- |
2nd Month | 5000/- | 10000/- |
3rd Month | 5000/- | 15000/- |
4th Month | 5000/- | 20000/- |
5th Month | 5000/- | 25000/- |
6th Month | 5000/- | 30000/- |
7th Month | 5000/- | 35000/- |
8th Month | 5000/- | 40000/- |
9th Month | 5000/- | 45000/- |
10th Month | 5000/- | 50000/- |
11th Month | 5000/- | 55000/- |
Total Amount | 55000/- |
Mode Of Payment |
Cash |
Card |
All UPIS |
Online |
Documents Required |
Aadhar |
Pan card |
Bank Account |
Any One * |
No Watsge No Making For Scheme Amount Gold Value or Gold Saved in Grams
Above the scheme value or Gold Saved Grammage, Wastage and making will be charged according to the product category
Scheme will not be applicable on Pure Gold Coin Purchase
No italian Product Comes under this sheme
If customer close or discontinue the schems before 6 Months he will not be elgible for any benefits
Customer cannot pay the amount in advance in Monthly saving Scheme
Customer can pay the amount in Gold Saving Scheme according to the market gold rate